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Gain insights into the latest security measures, best practices, and tools to keep your website safe from threats and vulnerabilities.
Ever since I started working for SiteGround I have been really impressed with the effort that…
Yesterday, my day ended delivering a webinar on Joomla security, only to start today with a…
After a short summer break our educational webinar initiative continues with WordPress! Yesterday we hosted our…
It is mid-summer now but security issues take no vacation. Actually they find the most inappropriate…
Few days ago our security team has come across a JCE related vulnerability that has the…
In 2012 we started the SiteGround How Cool Is That challenge to help our clients learn…
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On this year's Christmas day, many WordPress users were quite unpleasantly surprised by a vulnerability in the popular…
If you're using WordPress as your favorite open source blogging platform, chances are pretty high you've…
I’ve always wanted to express how I feel about security in the shared web space, where…
SiteGround web hosting company announced the launch of a special promotion: hosting package including a free…
As probably most of you know, osCommerce is a shopping cart application for creating and managing… has chosen to provide low cost SSL certificates to its extensive worldwide customer base.…