How to Use Dynamic Caching for Drupal 8.x and above?
Drupal version 8 and higher has its own internal caching mechanism that cannot work together with the Dynamic cache option of our SuperCacher. If you would like to use our dynamic cache you need to do the following changes inside your Drupal administration panel:
Go to Configuration > Development > Performance:

Change the Browser and proxy cache maximum age from “no caching” to some period of time, for example, 12 hours.

Have in mind that once you do this change the Drupal internal cache will not work as well as the option to flush the cache from the Drupal panel. However, you can easily flush the Dynamic cache through your Site Tools.
If you need more details on how changing the cache max-age in the admin panel makes your Drupal site work with our Dynamic cache read below.
By default, the Browser and proxy cache maximum age in the Drupal admin panel is set to “no caching”. This is what adds a no-cache header, (“cache-control: must-revalidate, no-cache, private”), instructing our Dynamic Cache system that this content should not be cached. Once you choose another setting with a specific time your browser cache should be kept for, Drupal starts sending a new header ( “cache-control: max-age=<the time you specified>, public”) that instructs our Dynamic Cache that the content should be cached and that this cache should be stored for the time you’ve set.