How to Edit and Format Text on Page
To format text on a page, navigate to the Content tab, click on an already existing page you’d like to edit or create a new one.

Center-page you will see the content of the page you wish to edit.

Click on the section and specific text you wish to edit and format. Clicking on the text of the section will reveal a horizontal menu on top with styling options from where you can format the text.

To start formatting, select the specific text you wish to edit and then from the top menu select the desired option:
- To change font size, click on the second drop down from the left in that top menu.
- To change the hierarchy of the text – title or paragraph, click on the first drop down from the left in that top menu.
- To add bullets, select the bullets icon in the top menu.
- To add numeration, select the numbered list icon in the top menu.