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Joomla Speed Webinars: Video, Slides & Questions

Apr 19, 2013 1 min read Tina Kesova

SiteGround Webinar

I am extremely happy to report that our first webinar about Joomla speed was a great success – we had a very big crowd of people showing up, loads of questions in the end, and excellent feedback from our attendees!

Daniel shared so many speed optimization tips and of course as it’s practically impossible to process all this at a time, we received numerous requests to record the webinar and share the slides. So here they are:

Joomla Speed Video Replay

Joomla Speed Slides

There were many meaningful questions in the end, so make sure to watch the webinar to the very end. Still, we couldn’t answer all of them but as we promised, Daniel has provided personal response to all the questions we couldn’t cover. You can check them out here.

The second part of our series was about SEO for Joomla and again – we got amazing feedback from our attendees. We encourage you to check the video replay and the presentation slides in case you missed the webinar or if you want to brush up on the numerous tips and tricks that were discussed:

SEO for Joomla Video Replay

SEO for Joomla slides

Have an idea about our next webinar topic? Don’t hesitate to share it in the comments below.


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Tina Kesova

VP of Strategic Partnerships until 2017

After 10+ years at SiteGround, probably the only thing I haven’t done (yet) here is writing code. Today I help SiteGround grow our client base through events and partnerships. I have the immense pleasure to do it with the help of the best team members which I am also privileged to call friends.

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Comments ( 5 )

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Tina Maniacco

May 18, 2013

Hi Siteground, I attended your webinar recently and a special offer for hosting was made. I am wondering if I can still take advantage of that offer and if so, how do I do that? Thanks, Tina.

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May 18, 2013

Hey Tina :) Thanks for attending our webinar! You can get the deal here:

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May 19, 2013

Úmyselne píšem tento komentár slovensky a nie anglicky. Hosting na siteground ma príjemne prekvapil v pozitívnom smere. Vlastním hostingi aj na slovenskom trhu, kde som zo službami ktoré poskytujú spokojná, ale v porovnaní zo službami Siteground som až pochopila, čo znamená 100% kvalita poskytovania služieb v hostingu, Sitegrond jasne vyhráva a je to proste jednička!!! Moje skúsenosti hovoria jednoznačne v prospech Sitegrond a DOPORUČUJEM využívať Váš hosting každému kto má záujem o hostingové služby. Len tak ďalej chlapci pokračujte a verím, že budete svetoví lídri v hostingovích službách a Vaše služby budu stále viac využívať aj klienti zo Slovenska. S pozdravom Zuzana

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May 23, 2013

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intentionally writing this comment Slovak and not English. SiteGround Hosting at me pleasantly surprised in a positive direction. Self hosting on the Slovak market, where I came from services that provide satisfied, but compared from services like Siteground to understand, which means 100% quality of service in hosting Sitegrond clearly wins and it's just awesome! My experience speak clearly in favor Sitegrond and recommended to use your hosting to anyone who is interested in hosting services. Way to go guys go ahead and believe that you will be world leaders in hostingovích services and service suppliers will increasingly use the clients from Slovakia. Best regards Zuzana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siteground for hosting and support for EVERRYTHING else, there is GOOGLE , LOL

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Oct 29, 2013

Ahoj Zuzana, tiez rozmyslam nad sitegroundom kvoli ich joomla hostingu. Aku mas skusenost s rychlostou a dostupnostou? Mam trosku starost - najblizsi server je v Amsterdame. Dik.


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